3 Things You Should Know About Wet Bags

3 Things You Should Know About Wet Bags

Whether you're a seasoned pro or you're new to wet bags, these are the things you should know! 

Our wet bags are made in Canada (St. Adolphe, MB to be exact) using quality materials. The outer is 100% cotton, the liner is waterproof 100% polyester with a polyurethane membrane (PUL) that is heat sealed. Our bags have been tested to meet both FDA and Health Canada food safety standards.  So, yes, you can put food in them if you want.  Our zippers are YKK brand and certified lead and nickel free.

Now, on to the good stuff:

1. Wet bags are not just for babies.

It's true, we did originally begin this line to use with our babies and they are amazing for cloth diapers, messy clothes, potty training etc, but think beyond those sleepless nights!  We find we use our wet bags just as much (if not more) now that our kids are bigger.

Think sports, swimming, sleep overs, book bag, gym bag, laundry - the list goes on!

2.  Wet bags are multipurpose.

Use them to organize your kids' activities - one for girl guides, one for swimming lessons, one for soccer etc.  In the summer, I keep an extra large wet bag in the van with towels and swim suits so we're always ready for an unscheduled trip to the spray park.

While wet bags do love to get out and about, they're also really useful at home.  Keep one hanging on the oven door in the kitchen for dirty snack bags and wash cloths. 

Keep one in the bathroom for cloth pads or washcloths.  Hang an extra large in the kids' rooms for dirty laundry.  Confession: I have recently put one in my mudroom as my kids have this thing about taking off their socks when they get home - it still seems weird to me, but at least I can find all the socks now! 

3. Wet bags are so easy to clean.

Like, seriously easy.  You have two options - just flip the liner inside out and give it a wipe and hang to dry or toss it in the washing machine and drier.  Our care instructions recommend a cold water wash and low dry - but honestly, I wash on warm and medium without any trouble.  The only thing to remember is heat will fade fabrics, so if you really want your bags to stay bright and vibrant, cold water is where it's at.

Hint: the double duty wet bags are awesome for toddler/preschool ages as you can keep clean undies and pants in the dry section and anything that gets wet or messy goes in the waterproof.  When you get home, just unzip and toss the whole thing in the wash.  No more fishing out icky clothes from a plastic bag! 

We offer loads of options from our mini double duty wet bags that are a great size for a few cosmetics or small travel items to the gigantic extra large that will hold 3-4 towels and swim suits - you're sure to find one that's just right!

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Can you a wet bag for when I go out to eat and don’t finish my whole meal?
Thank you.


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